TOEFL PBT Training for Vocational Students


  • Romadhon Romadhon Politeknik Piksi Input Serang



toefl, vocational, work, industry


English is a crucial international language for global communication, science, technology, business, and culture. Being fluent in English opens doors to personal and professional success. The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a standardized test that measures English language competency in various contexts, including academic and professional. It consists of four parts: Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking. TOEFL is essential for vocational student graduates, especially students, who seek work, study abroad, or participate in exchange programs. It also increases the chances of getting a scholarship, as many educational institutions and international scholarship programs require good TOEFL results. In the world of work, English language competency is often required by multinational companies, giving workers a competitive advantage in international business, trade, diplomacy, and technology. Piksi Input Serang Polytechnic requires D3 student graduates to have a TOEFL score above 450 to ensure adequate mastery of English in the international world. A TOEFL PBT training was held for vocational students via the Zoom Meeting platform, using lecture, discussion, and question and answer methods.


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How to Cite

Romadhon, R. (2023). TOEFL PBT Training for Vocational Students. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat - PIMAS, 2(4), 227–231.


