Aplikasi Desktop Manajemen Data Buku untuk Solusi Praktis untuk Pengelolaan Digital
Book Data, Management, Java Swing, MySQL and JDBC, CRUD Applications, SHA-256Abstract
In the digital era, book data management is an important challenge for libraries, bookstores, and private collections. This article discusses a Java-based book data management application designed with an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) approach for modularity, efficiency, and flexibility. Key features include CRUD operations, data retrieval, recording of borrowing and book return transactions, and fine calculation, with MySQL integration for accurate, stable, and structured relational data storage. Security is strengthened through SHA-256 encryption on the login feature, ensuring limited access to authenticated users only. Testing showed stable performance, with improvements to the interface design and database connections to improve the user experience. This application not only supports efficient data management, but also offers flexibility in adjusting user needs. The development plan includes data export, statistical reports, mobile device compatibility, and interface improvements to provide comprehensive, responsive, and adaptive solutions to meet the needs of future book data management
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