Effectiveness of Telenursing based on Mobile Learning to Self-Efficacy of Mother with Low Birth Weight (LBW) and Premature Infants


  • Arindi Ayuanita Saputri RSUD Banyumas
  • Nur Megawati RSUD Banyumas
  • Dwi Mandasari RSUD Banyumas




Low birth weight, premature, self efficacy, mobile learning, telenursing


Background: Infants who are born with Low Birth Weight (LBW) or premature often receive care in the perinatology or NICU. LBW or premature babies have special health problems. Baby's mother who is separated from her baby, and  length of stay in the hospital will affect  mother's self-efficacy. Therefore, innovation is needed to increase mother's self-efficacy through telenursing based on mobile learning. Objective: to find out the effectiveness of telenursing with mobile learning on the selfefficacy of low birth weight (LBW) and premature’s mother in the perinatology of Banyumas Regional Hospital. Methods: The design of this study is one group pre and post test design, total of respondents are 16. The research was conducted at February-March 2024. Research results: bivariate analysis using paired t test, it shows that the p value = 0.000 so there is a significant difference in the self-efficacy of infant mothers before and after intervention with telenursing intervention by mobile learning. Conclusion: the results of the research is telenursing based on mobile learning effective to increase mothe with LBW and premature babies’s self-efficacy.


Keywords : LBW, Premature, Self-efficacy, Mobile Learning


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How to Cite

Arindi Ayuanita Saputri, Nur Megawati, & Dwi Mandasari. (2024). Effectiveness of Telenursing based on Mobile Learning to Self-Efficacy of Mother with Low Birth Weight (LBW) and Premature Infants. Viva Medika: Jurnal Kesehatan, Kebidanan Dan Keperawatan, 17(2), 284–292. https://doi.org/10.35960/vm.v17i2.1519


