Studi Kasus: Pemberian Posisi Pronasi dalam Menjaga Stabilitas Saturasi Oksigen, Frekuensi Nadi, Pernafasan Dan Suhu pada Bayi Gawat Nafas


  • Ayu Anita Universitas Riau
  • Oswati Hasanah Universitas Riau
  • Christina Simorangkir Universitas Riau



Studi Kasus, Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Posisi Pronasi


Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) is the term used for respiratory dysfunction in neonates. This disorder is a disease associated with delayed development of lung maturity or a lack of surfactant in the lungs. One of the problems that must be overcome is an ineffective breathing pattern. Interventions in ineffective breathing patterns, one of which is the provision of a pronation position to maintain hemodynamic status. Giving the pronation position is considered effective to improve the hemodynamic status of the patient, because the pronation position can increase pulmonary ventilation and can reduce lung pressure by intra-abdominal organs so that it can improve the patient's oxygenation. The method used was a case study using 3 respondents who were treated in the NICU room of Arifin Achmad Hospital, Riau Province, which aimed to see differences in the hemodynamic status of patients before and after being given a pronation position. The criteria for these observational patients are patients with respiratory distress who have symptoms of ineffective breathing patterns (down score 5-7) and use a breathing apparatus. This nursing care is carried out directly on Infants I, Infants II and III with the age of 0-6 days. The intervention was given for 2-10 days, the results of the development of the patient's condition were good, there was an increase in oxygen saturation, pulse and temperature in the baby. Based on the results of the application of nursing care in infants with respiratory disorders, the pronation position has been proven to improve and maintain hemodynamic stability, so it is advisable for pediatric nurses to be able to practice pronation positioning in the management of RDS patients with ineffective breath patterns


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How to Cite

Anita, A., Hasanah, O., & Simorangkir, C. (2022). Studi Kasus: Pemberian Posisi Pronasi dalam Menjaga Stabilitas Saturasi Oksigen, Frekuensi Nadi, Pernafasan Dan Suhu pada Bayi Gawat Nafas. Viva Medika: Jurnal Kesehatan, Kebidanan Dan Keperawatan, 16(1), 62–71.